
L and U se E lement

are attractive, useful, and integrated into a larger citywide signage plan or policy. LU-147 Outdoor storage of materials, invento ry, and other goods and off-street sur face parking should be located at the rear of the property. If outdoor storage cannot be located in the rear of the property, then it should be screened from view from adjacent rights-of-way. LU-148 Design, construct, and enhance im pression corridors to accommodate multimodal uses. LU-149 Design and construct vehicular access points in a manner that consolidates access points serving multiple uses. LU-150 Signage, landscaping, and monument features should be used to establish prominent access points. LU-151 Discourage aerial utilities. LU-152 Invest in impression corridors by ac quiring rights-of-way, constructing and widening sidewalks, installing landscaping, building center medi ans, constructing parklets, providing street furniture, and constructing other improvements. Gateway Policies. LU-153 Prioritize by rank all gateways and de velop potential opportunities and de signs for each location. LU-154 Develop land use regulations that in corporate gateway priorities and con cepts into private development pro posals that are located at identified gateways. LU-155 Coordinate with the Washington State Department of Transportation to un derstand options and implement ac tions at gateway location. Many of the gateway locations are within the WSDOT right-of-way. LU-156 Develop design layouts for gateway lo cations. Designs will identify key areas

that greet residents and visitors as they enter the City or downtown center, op portunities for signage and monument features, and landscaping.

LU-157 Maintain established gateways.

Vol. 1


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